Optimal Health - Step 1: Drink more Water

Optimal Health - Step 1: Drink more Water

You always have the option to consciously change!

There never is a good or bad time!

There is a chance to try doing things a little bit differently every new day and every new moment.

You don't have to wait until the inconvenient end of one calendar year and the start of another. You should make the most of your inspiration whenever it strikes you.

Living a healthy life is important every day! Today we kick off a series where we will give you some inspiration with every email on how to improve your health - one step at a time! 

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Keep it Simple!

Many people have reported finding the past few years difficult, based on what I've observed and heard. Look around you and you will agree! Nothing is certain, everything can change any day.

One thing has become increasingly clear among all the uncertainty, worry, and confusion: how crucial it is to take care of ourselves and one another.


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But let's focus on the realities.

There are countless things you could do to enhance your health and quality of life if you're anything like me. There are so many that it may be intimidating, especially if you have a tendency to believe you should do everything. I believe we should let go of any unwarranted pressure, though, given that people are struggling in the current environment. Making your objectives SMART—specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and trackable—will help them stay.

Instead of aiming for perfection or drastic transformation, let's check off the feasible and practical requirements by implementing tiny, long-lasting adjustments.

And let's start by making the small changes that we already know can have a big impact. Let's concentrate on the pillars of our health.


Over the next few days, we will send you ONE area you can work on EVERY DAY - and science says working on them will still be beneficial to you.
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Day 1 - Drink More Water

Water is essential for health and life, yet despite this fact, many of us don't consume enough of it.

Just to reiterate why it's so crucial:

  • Dehydration may play a role in your fatigue or inability to function at your best, especially while engaging in strenuous exercise. Rehydrating properly can also help to lessen the oxidative damage brought on by exercise and dehydration.
  • Drinking enough water might improve your mood and brain function. Mild-to-moderate dehydration has occasionally been seen to impair other cognitive functions like short-term memory, information processing, and focus.
  • Drinking water may shorten the length and severity of headaches. Additionally, keeping well-hydrated may help reduce headaches, but there isn't enough solid evidence to support this piece of received knowledge.
  • Dehydration in the elderly and the ill can cause delirium or cause delirium to seem like dementia.
  • Constipation can be caused by or made worse by dehydration.
  • The kidneys need enough water to process and eliminate waste from the blood, but not too little or too much. Otherwise, the body would suffer from this waste.
  • The control of your cardiovascular system may be impacted by water consumption. It affects blood volume and can even have a strong impact on the sympathetic nervous system.
  • Dehydration and a few chronic disorders are also related. For instance, inadequate water consumption is linked to exercise-induced asthma and kidney stone illness.


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Ideally, you would consume a lot of water (see below for what that actually means).

Start to benefit by progressively raising your intake to the required amount and start to see results. For the first week, try adding one or two more glasses to your daily total before progressively increasing it.

It's possible that you'll need to use the restroom more frequently. That's a tiny compromise, though, considering the advantages outlined above. It may even be viewed as a positive omen.


You've probably heard the time-tested recommendation to consume 6 to 8 glasses of water each day (or 1.5-2L). The levels that are advised vary depending on who you ask, despite the fact that this recommendation has been revised by several health organizations.

They frequently change according to gender, age, and stage of life. For instance, according to Australia's Nutrient Reference Values, men over 19 should take 3.4L of fluid daily, while women should eat 2.8L.

However, you may get this amount of water from all of your consumption, which includes simple water and water found in meals and other drinks. Several fresh fruits and vegetables have a good quantity of water in them.


Though we can't be confident that the suggestions made elsewhere truly reflect your needs. They solely use surveys of real population consumption rates and a few urine concentration measurements. This is due to the fact that determining what is necessary for peak hydration status has proven to be challenging to do with accuracy and scientific rigor.


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I don't know whether or when we will have such accurate statistics for the entire population. To determine what is best for us, we must thus combine a little art and science. In other words, you can try to follow the suggestions, experiment with taking more or less and pay attention to how your body reacts. If you do a lot of physical activity, use diuretics (such as coffee or alcohol), or live or work in a hot environment, you'll probably need to eat more. You should keep in mind that you are already dehydrated if you feel thirsty. So try to drink frequently before you get there.

You could gain even more advantages if you mix some deuterium-depleted water with the rest of the water you consume. 

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